What To Expect

What to Expect

At Faith United Methodist Church, Woodbury you will see two entrances as you pull into the parking lot, at the rear of the church.  There is handicap parking and the church is handicap accessible.  To the left you will enter the Gathering Area that leads you to the Sanctuary and to the right is the Fellowship Hall, classrooms and nursery.  Either door will get you to where you need to go.

You will be met by warm and welcoming people that will guide and direct you.  Our hospitality crew can answer any questions you may have.  Hospitality has always been a hallmark of our congregation and we welcome all to worship with us.

No matter where you’re coming from, you’ll find you’ve got something in common with the people here.  We are a diverse group in all different stages of our lives and spiritual journeys.

Our worship experiences are designed to help you encounter and feel the presence of God.  We know everyone meets God in different ways.   If you like learning in a small group environment, we have several Adult Classes during Sunday School.

During fellowship time between worship and Sunday school, we encourage you to join us for a time to share and get to know each other while enjoying beverages and snacks.