Missions and Outreach
Faith Church Serves Local and Global Missions
Food Bank – Items are collected weekly for the local food pantry and each year a drive is put on in the Fall called “Harvest Home” for a holiday collection.
Meals on Wheels – Faith kitchen is used twice a week to prepare meals for a local Meals on Wheels program. Members of Faith and the community serve this mission by working in the kitchen and delivering the meals.
American Red Cross – Faith Church opens it’s doors several times a year to hold a Red Cross Blood Drive.
UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief; items for cleaning buckets, school kits, layette kits and hygiene kits are collected each week.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child – Items are collected monthly to fill shoe boxes for girls and boys in over 100 countries to receive during the holidays.
Operation Gratitude – Scarves and hats are made and sent to all that serve our country as a way to say “Thank You”.